These creations are a mix of digital pieces and physical paintings. I’ve been inspired to make things happen since I was a small child. Art pours out of me almost every day, mostly in my sketchbooks, which tends to be of a more shadowy style. Many of the landscapes over the last few years have served as studies, to enhance my skill set and finally learn oils. Painting is a lifelong journey. I’m only now feeling like I can paint and now it’s a matter of what do I want to paint? Am I going to try and say something with my artwork or simply take the challenge of making compelling landscapes? Overthinking this prohibits me from actually creating and part of my development is how to connect my perspective with the world around me. So this site is part of that journey. To continue to push my boundaries as a creator, to overcome my own limited thinking and frustrations, and to share with you.

These images are loaded with life experiences along with all the joy, pain, sunshine and rain that goes along with it. Thank you for your support and taking some time to observe and perhaps even be moved by some of these images.
The paintings would be considered somewhat impressionist, so a little hint, to squint at the images as they are intended to be viewed from a distance to bring everything together.